Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Well our travels have finally brought us to our final destination - Ukraine. In talking with people in the states, I get the sense that this is somewhat of a forgotten country. As I told people that I was coming to Ukraine, the question was usually raised, "why are you going to Ukraine?" That is a good question. I am not sure that most people could point out the location of Ukraine on a map - I'm not sure that I could 6 months ago. But it is amazing how God can take forgotten unknown people and change the world. The country of Ukraine is very depressed. It is economically depressed. For so long it lived under the crushing communist regimes and you can quickly look around and see the affects of that time. But it is not a spiritually depressed nation. I keep hearing that God is on the move in Ukraine. I'm not sure what God is doing in this country or in me, but as we crossed the border late last night I was impressed with two things.

1) This feels really far away from home.

2) The spiritual atmosphere here is very 'light.'

I am convinced that God takes the 'least of these' and does the 'most of this!'

In Christ!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for these awesome "real-time" updates! Reading this really does make me feel closer to ya'lls journey and encourages me to get up earlier to pray! YEAH GOD! & You rock in faithfullness to us/Him... Thanks for your great works so far away... Love to youins!Kellie