Monday, April 20, 2009


I was in Chick-fil-a the other day. And here follows a free advertisement for them.

I was once again blown away be the incredibly positive attitude that was exhibited in all the employees. As I was being served, I felt like I was the only person in the restaurant, even though it was teeming with people at the time. That environment, combined with great food, made me want to come back, and in fact, I did just two days later.

This made me think:

What is the environment that people walk in to when they walk in to our churches?

What kind of 'food' are they getting while they are in our churches?

Does the environment, combined with the great 'food' that is in our churches make people (Followers of Christ and Non-Followers of Christ alike) want to come back?

As leaders we can answer that question through self-evaluation and observation.

SELF OBSERVATION: Would I want to go to the church that I serve at if I were not a paid staff person?

OBSERVATION: Are people that visit coming back? Are people that have been regular attenders or even members excited to be there or are they leaving?