Saturday, April 3, 2010

Thoughts on Easter

Maybe I haven't paid attention in the past.
Maybe something has really changed.

Whatever the case - I am noticing something about Easter this year.

It seems to me that 'the church' has really ramped up its efforts to draw the crowd this Easter. I have seen numerous ads and gimmicks that invite people to spend Easter at a particular church this Easter.

Easter bunny.
Easter egg hunts.
Pancake breakfast.
Newspaper ads.

It appears that we are sending a clear message - you are welcome in our building this Easter.

But the question arises for me - are 'they' - the non-followers of Christ and unchurched - welcome in our buildings the other 51 Sundays of the year?

Do we have a broken heart for those that don't know Jesus 365 days a year?

May the point of Easter - Christ died for us when we were the most undeserving - drive our efforts throughout the entire year.

May the point of Easter - Christ died for them just as much as He died for us - drive our efforts to make a felt impact in our communities.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen brother. I have seen the and wondered the same thing as many churches are going to extreme measures to have the largest crowd at Easter.. and I am wondering.."what about next week?" do they still matter as much to us if the church attendance record is not our focus? .... souls are dying and we can make a difference 365 days! thanks for the blog my brother in Christ