Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Road

Today I had a great conversation with my pastor about what the life of a follower of Christ should look like. He gave a great analogy that hopefully I can relate to you.

Following Christ is like driving down a road with a ditch on either side of the road. On one side you can label the ditch "all grace - live as you want." On the other side you can label the ditch "legalism."

Here is the reality, when we follow Christ we want to stay on the road in between "all grace - live as you want" and "legalism."

"The challenge of following Christ is staying balanced in an out of balance

We can't fall in the ditch of "all grace - live as you want" because Paul said in the book of Romans; "should I go on sinning that grace may abound? Absolutely not!"

On the other hand, we can't fall in the ditch of "legalism" because Jesus said; "he who is without sin cast the first stone."

The truth is that our goal is to be like Christ.

I think that striving to be like Christ is staying on the road not in the ditch.

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