Friday, April 30, 2010

Today was another phenomenal day of ministry and watching God move in dynamic ways. We prayer walked again in the morning. We visited the gypsy camp where Ivan Benedyk is the pastor. We saw the progress on the shower house project that was started last spring. We talked about the condition of the village and the church and such. We ministered once again at the gypsy church in Uzgherod. God is moving in that church in powerful ways. With the help of the people here and the mighty grace of God, we were able to secure a place for the new church plant. God is so good. We were able to secure it for half the asking price. Please pray for the woman in this picture. She is a mother of 6. Her husband is currently serving a 7 year prison sentence. She is raising the six children in a house that is about 12 ft. x 14 ft. The house is at the bottom of the hill so the dirt floor is beginning to wash out and erode away. It looks like we are going to be able to secure her and her children a new house in the village that is 2 to 3 times the size of her current house. It is at the top of the hill right next to the shower house and a water supply. She will also have a stove to heat the house in the winter. God is so good. He is teaching me to be His most grateful child.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Josh,
I've been reading your blog each day and am humbled by what I read and see. I have nothing to complain about, may God forgive me for all the complaining I voice. I'm going to make a better effort to speak positive things! Thanks for all the updates. I continue to pray for you, the team and all your families.